Monday, November 21, 2011

October 20 update

They say you will do anything for your baby and that has proven to be so true in this pregnancy! Most of you know that I started out this pregnancy rough; kidney stones, lost 20 lbs, have hyperemesis, have a picc line and have been on daily fluid bags for a little over a month now. I haven’t worked sense june and actually quit my job last week because I have still been having complications. 

       I am asking for prayers and this is why. Last Thursday we had our first Ultrasound. The baby is measuring larger and all of its organs are growing and look to be very healthy. However as they were doing the ultrasound they saw a huge mass coming out of the baby’s mouth forcing the baby’s mouth wide open blocking anything in or out of it. The baby is ok now because it gets all of its food and oxygen from the umbilical cord. The huge concern is when they baby comes out and if the mass is growing. After having many test including a MRI which I practically had a panic attack in and the specialist here talking to many hospitals and doctors this is where we are at. The mass shows to be a tumor (I believe a teratoma) but from what they can tell it is not cancerous, they are pretty sure that the mass will not grow anymore but having only done one ultrasound they are not totally certain, they will be monitoring it w somewhat regular ultrasounds. The tumor seems to be attached to the roof of the mouth or to the gum/lip line. So long as the tumor does not grow we will stick w a somewhat plan to wait till close to the due date. The specialist will have to perform an exit procedure, this is when they do something like a C-section but they keep the baby still fully attached to me as they perform the surgery on the baby to remove the tumor. The placenta and umbilical cord must stay attached to me and the baby if I go into labor (ie water breaks, contractions start) this could be serious for the baby bc it needs a way to breath. We will probably deliver then at around 36 weeks. This procedure is risky and only certain hospitals do it, therefore we will be having to travel out of state to deliver the baby. Our doctor has done research and narrowed down two cities Kansas City and Dallas. We will be traveling to KC in the next couple weeks to meet with the specialist there, we will either discuss with the specialist in dallas over the phone or we will drive down there from KC to meet with them. 

       "O Sovereign LORD, you alone know." (Ezekiel 37:3) I feel very confident that God is guiding us and that is plan will prevail, even though I am not sure of his plan. I can see how God has already been protecting us and preparing us for this time. It makes me sad to know my baby can be hurting but we are willing to go and do anything for this little thing. I am asking that you guys pray for us and the baby. That you pray for clarity as we decide where to go, pray for the doctors that they have wisdom and a steady hand, pray that I do not for some reason go into early labor, and mostly pray for the baby that there is no long term effects and that the baby will be healthy and safe.

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