Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pre-labor Update

Well it is a good thing I started off this blog by stating that I am not good at blogging because man I have been horrible about it the last month, it’s ok I know you are shaking your head in agreement.  It’s like your favorite tv show when the season ends on a cliff hanger and you have no choice but to wait till next season. Ok so I hate that too so I promise to try and not leave you hanging this long again!
With that said it has been a whirlwind of a month full of ups and downs and little time to breath. After our initial trip to KC we went to Seattle and took a week of from reality. It was a much needed thanksgiving week and enjoyed every minute of it, ok that is a lie disliked the getting stuck in traffic for two hours! When we got back to Boise we had just short of two weeks to pack up our stuff say our temporary good byes make sure all of our ducks were in order.  The second day we were back, December 1, I had my final doctor’s appointment in Boise. I was 27wks and measuring 31inches and had gained 9lbs. this told the doctor two things; first I am still underweight but steadily increasing which is good, second you should only measure 2 at most 2 inches above what your week so 31 meant that a I already have a lot of fluid. This means that the baby is not swallowing the fluid and if I continue to increase too much it can cause premature labor. … I’ve never before been told that I am too small and to large all in the same moment!
After getting everything packed up I flew to KC on Monday the 12 and Chris,with my brother Jacob, drove out the next morning. I had my second MRI on the 13, this was done at Children’s Mercy,  yep you are thinking right everything was child size, if I was any bigger I would not have fit into that MRI machine. When I was all suited up for the MRI the lady handed me a piece of paper and said pick a movie I was confused and thought it was some kind of psychological test, haha, turns out I actually got to watch a movie while I had the MRI done. The guy who was hooking me up to the machine described the netting going around me as being like an ice cream waffle cone, clearly he works with children!  I am a huge baby when it comes to enclosed spaces around my head so I felt a little embarrassed when I kinda freak out while they were sending me through the machine…. Ok done w my tangent…. The following day I had another Ultrasound. They should that the mass had grown even more. I was now at 29wks and measuring 35inches, after seeing the ultrasound Dr Bennett told me that I have Polyhydramnios. He knew I would have extra fluid but I don’t think he was expecting this much fluid this soon. They also could not see the baby’s stomach for the second time and knew the baby is not able to swallow or is swallowing little fluid. Dr. Bennett had not been able to see the results from the MRI the day before but told me he would call on Friday after looking them over and speaking to the ENT (Ear Nose & Throat) specialist. I left the appointment feeling a little grim and knowing Dr. Bennett was not feeling great about what he had seen that day.
On Friday late afternoon Jill, Dr Bennett’s nurse, called. I knew one of two things either they had not been able to see the MRI or they didn’t have real bad news because he himself was not calling. Jill said that Dr Bennett was very happy with the results he had seen from the MRI and that after speaking with the ENT they both felt very optimistic about being able to do the EXIT procedure and establish an airway. They said the mass is up higher, which means that it is more towards the front of the mouth and does not seem to be filling up the mouth but mostly coming out.  I said very little on the phone and I realized when I got off the phone that it was the first time any doctor had said they are happy or feel positive with the way things are going in this pregnancy.
Monday the 19th was a big day. We had an appointment with the specialist, met with the anesthesiologist for health approval (I passed), then met with social worker, had a tour of the hospital and finished the day meeting with Dr. Bennett and another quick check up. ……This is where the blog ended last night.  As Tracy was finishing this up on Tuesday night, the 27th, her water broke and we rushed to the hospital.  So, I’ve posted this as an update up till last night, although clearly A TON has changed in the last 24 hours that trumps this information.

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